I thought we all needed a little touch of Spring flowers to boost our moods in these crazy weather days we’ve been experiencing.
Thank you to all who joined us for our 94th Annual NAR Spring Conference. It was so nice to be able to be together and to see those smiling faces in person instead of via a computer screen. I hope by now that many of you have returned to your clubs and provided them with all the wonderful information you received during conference, if not, I hope you plan to share in the near future.
I want to welcome your new NAR board that was elected during conference. Your new leadership consists of: Patti Yuengling – Governor, Elizabeth (Beth) Peterson – Gov. Elect, Joan Merritt – NAR Secretary, Karen Gehers - Treasurer, Cindy Rivera – Dist. I Dir., Donna Gigone – Dist. I Sec., Joyce Schech – Dist. II Dir., Mary Borger – Dist. II Sec., Christine Herman – Dist. III Dir., Joanne Jones (JJ) – Dist. III Sec., Lisa Malago – Dist. IV Dir., Catherine Forman – Dist. IV Sec., Heidi McNamar – Dist. V Dir., and Tracy Scala – Dist. V Sec. Please extend a warm welcome to all of these ladies. They will begin their duties starting with the transition board meeting in June but officially they begin July 1st.
My time as your Governor is fast approaching an end and I must say the past two years have really flown by. I will post a final farewell in June, but for now I’ll just say it has been an honor.
Some important things to remember in the upcoming weeks are:
1. Registration for the 2022 SIA Virtual Convention – each club gets one free delegate
2. Club Giving and Founders Pennies are due to by May 31st for inclusion in 2022 recognition
3. Phase 4 of the “Diamond Campaign” ends May 31st
4. June 1st is the deadline for Dream It, Be It on-line reporting
5. SIA Dues notices will be sent on or about June 10th (no increase for this year)
6. SIA Virtual Convention deadline for registration is June 17th
7. June 30th, Big Goal Accelerator Project online reporting ends
8. Form 200’s – Officer information form is due to SIA by July 1st – remember your NAR board also needs a copy so we can keep in contact with all club presidents and treasurers
9. July 1st – Soroptimist Celebrating Success forms are due to the region chair – start thinking about what project your club will submit now!!
I think that’s all I have for now so I wish you all warm sunny days as we prepare to head into the summer and I look forward to seeing many of you again soon.
Fondly, Governor Diane
